Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 6 - Wahoo Fishing with the Locals

Today, we had another memorable experience. We went fishing with some locals off the coast of the Northern Islands. What they fish for is called Wahoo which is what we fished for with them today. Wahoo is a dark blue fish similar to a tuna which is found typically in tropical areas. Wahoo are also fished for in Hawaii where it is referred to as Ono. We were very fortunate to catch 2 Wahoo because Wahoo are very prized. This is due to their size, speed, and quality of meat. Wahoo have been recorded at 8.5 feet and 180 pounds! In addition to this, they can swim up to 60 miles per hour! Wahoo are considered one of the fastest fish in the sea. As you may have guessed, the ones we caught were much smaller. Out of respect, we through one Wahoo back into the sea but we kept the other one for a nice dinner. On the way back to shore, I asked the locals some questions about Fiji. They told us that fish, forest, and sugar used to be their main source of growth, but since then, tourism has been the greatest stimulator of Fiji’s economy. Also, both happen to be huge rugby fans and enjoy watching the Fiji Sevens Side, one of the most successful rugby teams in the world. All in all, it was an informational day but a fun-filled one all the same.

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